
We will be open the following Saturdays in March: the 1st, the 15th and the 29th. Put some spring in your step with a great adjustment!

Please call the office to verify availability before walking in if you do not have a previously scheduled appointment.

Dr. Vanloon will be available for a limited number of house calls for established and active patients who live near the office or for after hours care. There is an additional cost beyond the cost of your adjustment for these special services. Please contact us for availability.

Our *normal* schedule:

Mon & Tue: 9-1 & 3-6:30                        Wed: Closed                                          Thur: 3-6:30                                                Fri: 9-1                                                       Sat: TBA

>>While we endeavor to keep our website updated with schedule changes, we can not ensure availability to accommodate a walk-in appointment. Please call the office prior to walking in. Thank you!<<


1775 East 14 Mile Road,
Birmingham, Michigan 48009
(248) 408-8183

Fax:(248) 792-7500






"Last April I hurt my neck one day after helping to lift a Bow-Flex down the stairs.  I could hardly lower my chin, turn my head left or right, and working and sleeping was difficult to say the least.  I went to (the chiropractor) on the advice of my then fiance´ Carl.  I met Dr. Vanloon and she went right to work by assessing if there was a subluxation and where it was exactly.   She started treating me with KST every other day for about 2 weeks.  Following that I went 2 times a week for a month and then finally the last month I went only once a week.  I started seeing results within the first 2 weeks.  I never took any pain medication, nor did I see a "traditional" MD.  It was never necessary!  I loved the gentle technique and fast results!  A BIG thank you to Dr. Vanloon!!!!!!"
Desiree W.
Royal Oak

"I went to Dr. Vanloon after a painful trampoline accident. After two weeks of treatments, I was feeling like my normal self. After two more weeks of treatment, I was feeling better than I ever had been. As time passed, my visits became more and more spaced out. Through regular exercise and short check-in visits with Dr. Vanloon, I was able to straighten out my pigeon toed feet and improve my posture significantly. Also, it was always a treat to go in for my appointments, she made the process fun and always told me exactly what she was doing. Overall, I could not ask for a better chiropractor!"
Sarah S.
Farmington Hills


Dr. Vanloon's Services

My philosophy

I have a vitalistic and holistic philosophy toward health. Your body is innately intelligent, and I believe the power that made the body is capable of healing the body so long as it is free of restrictions. The primary way that I do that is to clear your body of subluxations, which are distortions that create interference to the flow of energy through your nerves to all the body’s systems and tissues.  

There are three causes of subluxations: 1. Traumas, 2. Toxins and 3. Thoughts. The traumas are usually easy to identify, and can present in our lives as accidents, slips or falls, repetitive motions, poor posture, etc. The toxins are the things we put into our bodies that we do not need, or when our bodies need something that we’re not putting in. The thoughts are a little more tricky; these can be stressful situations in our homes or jobs, painful or emotional circumstances that we have dealt with in our lives, and anything in between. 
I am grateful to have found techniques that very effectively help my patients deal with the dis-ease that stress creates in their lives ~ KST, B.E.S.T. and shamanic healing journeys.


KST, or Koren Specific Technique, is the primary mode of adjusting I use in my practice.  Developed by Dr. Tedd Koren in 2003, it is very different than more traditional forms of chiropractic adjustments because it involves no twisting or 'cracking'. I use a tool called the Arthrostim to gently adjust the areas of your body that are misaligned, rather than using my hands to perform the adjustment.  Most adjustments are done with the patient in a standing position, but KST allows the freedom to adjust in a position of subluxation or pain.  For example, if you have pain while you're sitting, laying on your side, while working on a computer, playing an instrument or while you're swinging a golf club (or almost anything else), I can adjust you while you are in that specific position or during that activity, which often unlocks the issue and reduces or frees you of pain.  This is all done with little or no discomfort to the patient.  After being adjusted with KST, most patients report that it was the best adjustment they've ever had!


The Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique or B.E.S.T. is a way to balance your autonomic nervous system by removing stored energy blockages. Developed by the chiropractor M.T. Morter Jr. in 1975, B.E.S.T. is a very low-force hands-on chiropractic modality that works with both the parasympathetic and sympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system or ANS, which regulate many body processes and control the fight or flight response. This technique also incorporates the emotional components attached to why we don’t feel well ~ even if we can’t consciously identify what they are. These emotional blockages can create health problems that may appear to be purely physical, or can exacerbate current physical complaints. B.E.S.T. can help balance your body, update the outdated or painful 'pattern' being held and help to unlock your innate healing potential. I trained with the Morter family and after passing both written and practical examinations, received my certification in 2006.

Shamanic Healing Journeys 

Shamanism is a practice that predates organized religion and exists across multiple cultures. It has been described as a more holistic approach to healing, which can incorporate the spiritual piece missing from mainstream healthcare. What I refer to as a 'journey' is a process that is similar to deep meditation, where I set the intention to do emotional and energetic healing for a patient while I am in a theta-brainwave meditative state. I completed Lori Lipten's Intuitive Practitioner Certification™ course through the Sacred Balance Academy, which is a program that "combines unique, intensive training of holistic, ancient wisdom practices for energy healing; intuitive and shamanic development that serves personal transformation and the development of your ability to assist others." After passing both written and practical examinations, I received my certification in 2014.

Wedding Ceremonies

In March of 2020, I became ordained through the Universal Life Church in order to perform my best friend's wedding ceremony. Since then, I've performed several ceremonies, ranging from non-denominational to simple Christian to custom weddings (think: Game of Thrones & Star Wars themed ceremony). If you are interested in speaking with Dr. Vanloon about performing your wedding ceremony, please contact the office at 248.408.8183!