Synergy Wellness asks, "Are fevers good or bad?"
Dr. Laura Vanloon and Synergy Wellness of Birmingham, MI truly care and are grateful to be a portal of health and wellness information. For more information about Dr. Vanloon or about the practice, visit us on the web at www.drvanloon.com!
Bed wetting, also known as nocturnal enuresis, is an embarrassingoccurrence for children and frustrating for parents. It's more commonthan you may realize ~ some sources estimate over 6 million school-aged children and pre-teens are affected by it. There are many reasons that could cause bed-wetting; among others, an imbalance in bladder muscles, urinary tract infection, sleep apnea, excessive fluid intake, stress or emotional issues, nervous system immaturity or lumbar, pelvic or sacral subluxation. However, laziness and disobedience are usually NOT causes, and the child should not be punished as a result.