
We will be open the following Saturdays in March: the 1st, the 15th and the 29th. Put some spring in your step with a great adjustment!

Please call the office to verify availability before walking in if you do not have a previously scheduled appointment.

Dr. Vanloon will be available for a limited number of house calls for established and active patients who live near the office or for after hours care. There is an additional cost beyond the cost of your adjustment for these special services. Please contact us for availability.

Our *normal* schedule:

Mon & Tue: 9-1 & 3-6:30                        Wed: Closed                                          Thur: 3-6:30                                                Fri: 9-1                                                       Sat: TBA

>>While we endeavor to keep our website updated with schedule changes, we can not ensure availability to accommodate a walk-in appointment. Please call the office prior to walking in. Thank you!<<


1775 East 14 Mile Road,
Birmingham, Michigan 48009
(248) 408-8183

Fax:(248) 792-7500






Flora Syntropy

Flora Syntropy

Dr. Laura Vanloon and Synergy Wellness of Birmingham, MI truly care and are grateful to be a portal of health and wellness information. For more information about Dr. Vanloon or her practice, visit us on the web at www.drvanloon.com!

Flora Syntropy by Physica Energetics is a shelf-stable probiotic that survives both antibiotics and gastric juices. Your probiotic is only effective if it actually reaches your gut, and this product does! It floods your intestines with healthy probiotic bacteria that can reset your digestive pH. Milk-free and allergy-free, this product can be used by both adults and children to help foster a healthy immune system and help reduce bowel toxicity. To find out if Flora Syntropy would be a great addition to your wellness strategy, contact Dr. Laura Vanloon at Synergy Wellness in Birmingham MI.

**This blog is not intended to be a substitute for a relationship with a qualified chiropractor, naturopath or medical professional. 

References (6)

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    Response: dissertation help
     Cheese contains probiotic bacteria which has a great role to prevent various fatal disease in the aged people. There are many benefits of intaking the cheese ,including of being active in both physically and mentally. This practice of eating will help to realize the effect of the physical exercises as well ...
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    An awesome approach to think about it, Well the bazaar Idea by utilizing it as such! The astounding focal points that really give the huge results. you can include more audits!
  • Response
    Flora Syntropy is best medicine for the fitness if you use others medicine leave this and start Flora. Every fitness tablet have side effect this is the one medicine which have no side effect because Flora made by Dr. Laura Vanloon and Synergy Wellness of Birmingham, MI both are great scientist. ...
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    Response: celeb height wiki
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    In incomplete metaplasia, the epithelium assumes a histologic appearance in the direction of that of the huge intestine and regularly exhibits dysplasia.

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