Have headaches? Synergy Wellness can help!
Dr. Laura Vanloon and Synergy Wellness of Birmingham, MI truly care and are grateful to be a portal of health and wellness information. For more information about Dr. Vanloon or her practice, visit us on the web at www.drvanloon.com!
Have you (or anyone you love) ever had a headache? Silly question, I know; it is estimated that almost all Americans have suffered from at least an occasional headache, with one study suggesting that 28 million suffer from regular migraine headaches. Is this normal? Is this acceptable? Sadly, too many people consider headaches to be a part of life. I know, because I used to be one of those people.
As a patient, as a chiropractic student and as a chiropractor, I still suffered from consistent migraines. I had headaches most days, in varying degrees of intensity. There were even periods of my life that I had a headache for an entire month. I was prescribed every medication you can think of; I've tried every over the counter palliative measure available; I was open to every homeopathic remedy anyone mentioned. At my best stretch, I was able to make 6 weeks without a migraine. I even had an MRI and a carotid artery ultrasound, both of which diagnosed no structural cause for the headaches. I also thought I had run the gamut of available chiropractic and alternative techniques, including: Diversified, Gonstead, Activator, Cranial-Release Therapy, BEST, DNFT, Toggle, Thompson drop, trigger point therapy, manual cervical spine traction and Reiki, all of which offered me limited or no relief. This was especially frustrating because I am a chiropractor, and I had many patients who sought my help for their own headaches. However, like many others, I had come to view headaches as a part of life. That is, until I found KST.
My positive experience with chiropractic as a teenager had inspired me to go to school to become a chiropractor; it had relieved chronic mid-back pain I was suffering with, plus many other incredibly life-enhancing benefits. However, headaches are NOT normal. They shouldn't be viewed as a part of daily life. Taking ibuprofen every day should not be a part of your wellness routine. However, that is what traditional medicine would have you believe ~ that taking a drug every day is the best strategy for your headaches. I'm here to tell you, there is hope for chronic headache sufferers! The pain you have isn't because your body is deficient in aspirin or acetaminophen; the pain can be caused by a subluxation within your nervous system. A subluxation is any disturbance to the energy that flows through your nervous system, commonly caused by a bone being slightly out of place within your spine. The wonderful fact is, correcting those misalignments is exactly what a chiropractor specializes in!
In practice, I use a technique called KST, the Koren Specific Technique. It is very gentle to the patient and incredibly specific. I use a tool to administer the adjustment, which means that there's no cracking, twisting or popping! The best part about the technique I use is the results ~ I find that my patients hold a KST chiropractic adjustment longer than a traditional adjustment. As for my own results with this technique, they are outstanding ~ I have been migraine-free for three years!
Try KST chiropractic ~ it just may be the best adjustment of your life!
Health and happiness,
Dr. Laura Vanloon
**This article is not intended to replace medical attention. Please consult your chiropractic physician or a qualified medical professional before discontinuing any medication or changing a prescribed treatment plan.
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