
We will be open the following Saturdays in March: the 1st, the 15th and the 29th. Put some spring in your step with a great adjustment!

Please call the office to verify availability before walking in if you do not have a previously scheduled appointment.

Dr. Vanloon will be available for a limited number of house calls for established and active patients who live near the office or for after hours care. There is an additional cost beyond the cost of your adjustment for these special services. Please contact us for availability.

Our *normal* schedule:

Mon & Tue: 9-1 & 3-6:30                        Wed: Closed                                          Thur: 3-6:30                                                Fri: 9-1                                                       Sat: TBA

>>While we endeavor to keep our website updated with schedule changes, we can not ensure availability to accommodate a walk-in appointment. Please call the office prior to walking in. Thank you!<<


1775 East 14 Mile Road,
Birmingham, Michigan 48009
(248) 408-8183

Fax:(248) 792-7500






Synergy Wellness talks allergies!

Can chiropractic help my allergies?

The answer to that question is yes! I often have new patients that come in for low back pain, headaches, sciatica, etc, that don’t mention their allergies because they don’t think we can help. I’d like the opportunity right now to explain exactly how we can.

What is an allergy?
An allergy is a chemical response generated by your immune system in response to an allergen (a substance you’re allergic to, like dust, cat/dog dander, specific foods or materials, etc). This chemical response is usually an overproduction of histamine, which is an important protein and neurotransmitter released when tissues is damaged or experiencing an allergic response. The common responses to an allergic histamine response are asthma, stuffy/runny nose, itchy/watery eyes, cough, skin rashes or hives, heartburn, even fluid retention or weight gain.

What part of our body fights allergies?
That would be our immune system. The immune system is comprised of many cells that work in concert to fight off bacteria, viruses, toxins, parasites and microbes that enter our body through our noses, mouths or skin. It also flushes out our own dead cells and can attack tumors and even donated organs. Inside the body, these “invaders” are filtered through our lymphatic system (which we can usually see working because the glands in our neck swell). If your immune system isn’t functioning optimally, your body is then more susceptible to getting sick.

How can chiropractic help with allergies?
Chiropractic isn’t a treatment for allergies, per se; what it does is relieves the nervous system of stress by finding and adjusting subluxations. Subluxations are misalignments that cause a joint not to move properly, thus disrupting the flow of energy through the nerves that pass through that area of the body. These can occur through the cranium and spine, but also through any other areas of the body (we often find that the wrist bones are subluxated in people that have chronic Carpal Tunnel Syndrome). When you free your nervous system of these subluxations, it functions better. When your nervous system functions optimally, your immune system is better capable to fight the allergens we encounter in our environment. Many chiropractic patients report a dramatic increase in overall health and a reduction in allergy symptoms after getting regular adjustments. Some even have been able to successfully go off their allergy medication!*

The medical answer to allergies is to treat the symptom (with a prescription or allergy shots). The chiropractic approach is more conservative; we help your nervous system to be free of interference so it can fight off the things that trigger an immune system response. If you or someone you love is suffering from allergies, contact the us to see why Dr. Vanloon was voted one of the top chiropractors in Metro Detroit for 2012! 

Health and happiness,

Dr. Laura Vanloon

*This article is not a substitute for a relationship with a qualified medical professional. Please consult your chiropractor or medical physician before considering discontinuing any prescribed medication.


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    Synergy Wellness talks allergies! - Synergy Wellness Chiropractor - Synergy Wellness of Birmingham, Michigan
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    Response: detox recipes
    Synergy Wellness talks allergies! - Synergy Wellness Chiropractor - Synergy Wellness of Birmingham, Michigan
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    Synergy Wellness talks allergies! - Synergy Wellness Chiropractor - Synergy Wellness of Birmingham, Michigan
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    Synergy Wellness talks allergies! - Synergy Wellness Chiropractor - Synergy Wellness of Birmingham, Michigan
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    Synergy Wellness talks allergies! - Synergy Wellness Chiropractor - Synergy Wellness of Birmingham, Michigan
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    Response: steve reeves diet
    Synergy Wellness talks allergies! - Synergy Wellness Chiropractor - Synergy Wellness of Birmingham, Michigan
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    Response: Rashmi Patel DDS
    Synergy Wellness talks allergies! - Synergy Wellness Chiropractor - Synergy Wellness of Birmingham, Michigan
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    Response: Rashmi Patel DDS
    Synergy Wellness talks allergies! - Synergy Wellness Chiropractor - Synergy Wellness of Birmingham, Michigan
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    Response: Judge Ray Harding
    Synergy Wellness talks allergies! - Synergy Wellness Chiropractor - Synergy Wellness of Birmingham, Michigan
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    Response: Judge Ray Harding
    Synergy Wellness talks allergies! - Synergy Wellness Chiropractor - Synergy Wellness of Birmingham, Michigan
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    Response: Rashmi Patel DDS
    Synergy Wellness talks allergies! - Synergy Wellness Chiropractor - Synergy Wellness of Birmingham, Michigan
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    Response: Rashmi Patel DDS
    Synergy Wellness talks allergies! - Synergy Wellness Chiropractor - Synergy Wellness of Birmingham, Michigan
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    Synergy Wellness talks allergies! - Synergy Wellness Chiropractor - Synergy Wellness of Birmingham, Michigan
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    Synergy Wellness talks allergies! - Synergy Wellness Chiropractor - Synergy Wellness of Birmingham, Michigan
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    近日,美国有一位名叫Hunter Cayll(朋友昵称Nubbs)的青年在社交网络上火了。他双手残障,却通过不断的努力成为了一名优秀的射手,他不但能准确地击中目标,还能轻松完成上膛、换弹夹等动作,速度甚至比射击初学者还快。不少网友看后称赞到,这是美国版的"励志哥"。
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    Synergy Wellness talks allergies! - Synergy Wellness Chiropractor - Synergy Wellness of Birmingham, Michigan
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    Synergy Wellness talks allergies! - Synergy Wellness Chiropractor - Synergy Wellness of Birmingham, Michigan
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    Synergy Wellness talks allergies! - Synergy Wellness Chiropractor - Synergy Wellness of Birmingham, Michigan
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    Experience the best chiropractic care in NW Calgary at Vitality Chiropractic & Counselling. Our experienced and knowledgeable team offers professional, evidence-based treatments to help you live pain-free.
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    Brandi Rosgen, a clinical psychologist, counsellor, and hypnotherapist in Airdrie & Calgary, offers tailored therapy for sustainable mental health.

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